16 Piece large diaper bag gift set includes, rattle, cup, eating bowls, spoons, bottle, teething ring w/ keys, brush and comb, wipe case and large diaper bag. Available in three colors: Blue, Green, and Pink.
16 Piece diaper bag gift set includes, rattle, cup, eating bowls, spoons, bottle, teething rings w/ keys, brush and comb, wipe case and large diaper bag. Available in three colors: Blue, Green, and Pink.
8 Piece Diaper Bag Gift Set includes rubber duck, teddy bear, bottle, wipe case, teething ring w/ keys, brush and comb, and diaper bag. Available in three colors: Blue, Green, and Pink.
11 Piece Diaper Gift Bag Set includes, rattle, cup, eating bowls, spoons, bottle, teething rings w/ keys, brush and comb, wipe case and diaper bag. Available in three colors: Blue, Green, and Pink.
7 Piece Diaper Bag Gift Set includes bottle, spoon and fork, cup, wipe case, and diaper bag. Available in three colors: Pink, Green and Blue.
8 Piece Large Diaper Bag w/ Feeding Set includes bottle, eating bowl,spoon and fork, cup, teething ring w/ keys, bottle handle, and diaper bag. Available in three colors: Pink, Green and Blue.
7 Piece Deluxe Diaper Bag Feeding Set includes bottle, eating bowl, teething ring w/ keys, cup, fork and spoon, and diaper bag. Available in three colors: Pink, Green, and Blue.
21 Piece Promo Bath Tub Gift Set includes, wipe case, bowl, fork and spoon, bottle, cup, soft bottom shoes, rattle, towel, hangers, bib, socks, and tub. Available in four colors: Pink, White, Yellow and Blue.
16 Piece Layette Bath Tub Gift Set includes comg and brush, hat, bib, shirts, rattle, teething key ring, booties, mittens, hangers, socks, towel and tub. Available in four colors: Pink, Blue, Yellow, and White.