Curly Zealamb Rug. A Rare Source Of Lambskins Has Been Hand Selected From Flocks Bred Specifically For The Production Of World Famous New Zealand Carpet Wools. The Strong Wool Fibres That Are Characteristic Of These Carpet Wool Breeds Make Zealambs Uniquely Suited To The Production Of A Hardwearing Genuine Lambskin Floor Rug.From These Tough Durable Wools Are Selected Only Those Lambskins That Exhibit The Lustre, Density And Texture Of The Curly Zealamb. Craftsmen Tanners Transform These Lambskins Into The Highest Quality Shearling Leather, After Which The Wool Pile Is Dyed And Finely Shorn To Reveal A Uniquely Textured Pattern In Silken Wool.Finally, Individual Pelts Are Stitched Together To Create A Wholly New Concept In Floor Coverings. Strong, Contemporary And Distinctive, Hardwearing Zealambs Bring Nature Into The Home With Style And Flair. Available In Two Sizes:Dimensions:Decto (10 Pelt/Piece): 69 In. x 94 In. - 176 cm x 238 cm.Sexto (6 Pelt/Piece): 69 In. x 57 In. - 176 cm x 146 cm.Colors: White, Black And Chocolate.Fibre Content: 100% Sheepskin. We Recommend DryClean Only.
Shearling Design Rugs. Plush, Dense Sheepskins Are Hand Selected From The Finest Of Australian Sheep Flocks And Transformed Into The Highest Quality Leather By Craftsmen Tanners. Only Then Are They Meticulously Cut, Matched And Stitched Into Intricately Patterned Shearling Rugs. Colors: LUNAR - Ink (Deep Blue/Grey)ORBIT - BlackSOLAR - WhiteSTELLAR - Java (Deep Brown)Fibre Content:Upper - 100% SHeepskinFilling - 100% PolyesterBacking - 100% CottonDimensions:MROSW65x240: 65 cm x 240 cm.MROSW120x180: 120 cm x 180 cm.MROSW170x240: 170 cm x 240 cm.MROSW200x300: 200 cm x 300 cm.MROSW250x350: 250 cm x 350 cm.We Recommend DryClean Only.
Sheepskin Design Rugs. Plush, Dense Sheepskins Are Hand Selected From The Finest Of Australian Sheep Flocks And Transformed Into The Highest Quality Leather By Craftsmen Tanners. Only Then Are They Meticulously Cut, Matched And Stitched Into Intricately Patterned Shearling Rugs. Four Designs: Lines, Corners, Curves And Squares.Colors: Refer To Images.Fibre Content:Upper - 100% SheepskinFilling - 100% PolyesterBacking - 100% Cotton Dimensions:MROSW65x240: 65 cm x 240 cm - 2Ã x 8Ã.MROSW120x180: 120 cm x 180 cm. - 4Ã x 6ÃMROSW170x240: 170 cm x 240 cm. - 5Ã6 x 8ÃMROSW200x300: 200 cm x 300 cm. - 6Ã6 x 10ÃMROSW250x350: 250 cm x 350 cm. - 8Ã x 11Ã6 We Recommend DryClean Only.